Would you like a straw with that burger?

Aspen Dental is on a mission to give America a healthy mouth. But there’s one problem: millions of Americans don’t go to the dentist. At all. Not even for a free toothbrush or travel-size floss. We needed to get butts in dentist chairs and decided to scare the plaque out of people to do it. Armed with a few supersonic blenders, Danica Patrick gave unsuspecting lunch-goers a taste of what life would be like with an unhealthy mouth. Slurp, slurp.

Easy Eats was part food truck, part social experiment. What seemed like an ordinary food truck at first glance was anything but. Just before customers received their burgers, tacos, or fries, Danica blended the orders into a gross pulp as a cautionary tale for avoiding the dentist. Drinking your food is a lot less delicious than eating it. 

To pass off the food truck as legitimate, we had to conceive every aspect of the experience—from the name, to the logo, color scheme, menu, napkins, cups, recipe cards, and more. Everyone saw it as just another lunch spot, but it was far from it.
